Police Department
A Howling Good Time at Fire Trucks and Treats!
Thanks to all who participated in this year’s Halloween Fire Trucks & Treats!
Watersmeet Township Announces Implementation of Emergency Alert System
The most beneficial way to receive instantaneous information on safety threats and severe weather throughout Watersmeet Township is now one e-mail, text, or phone call away.
Watersmeet Township has partnered with CodeRED® to offer FREE emergency alerts for weather and traffic warnings, and critical emergencies through e-mail, phone and/or text messages to residents and visitors of Watersmeet. In order to receive these alerts, individuals must enroll at https://accountportal.onsolve.net/watersmeet or by texting “NIMROD” to “24639”.
Enrollment is fast and easy and can be completed in just a few minutes. Once registered, individuals will automatically receive weather and traffic warnings, and critical emergency notifications. It is strongly recommended to include CodeRED as a new contact in the user’s phone under the following phone number 206.536.3695 to always know when a CodeRED alert is being sent and to ensure it is not mistaken for something else.
Any message regarding a threat of life or property to our residents and community will be disseminated using CodeRED. Only Township officials have the authority to send out alerts for a variety of situations such as boil water notices, gas leaks, evacuation notices, police activity, fire emergencies, and missing persons. This is a community alert system to ensure you remain informed of critical information. General announcements, lost pets, meeting notices, etc. will continue to be sent via email through the Watersmeet news subscription service.
CodeRED offers options on the types of alerts you can receive and how you would like to receive them. Phone calls, texts and emails are all options upon signing up. It gives those who want to be included an easy and secure method for inputting information. The data collected will only be used for emergency notification purposes. If anyone has questions about CodeRED or needs assistance with signing up they may contact the Watersmeet Township CodeRed help-line at 906.366.0112 (leave message).
A test alert will be sent on Monday, April 8, 2024, at 1:00 p.m. CST
New Lac Vieux Desert Tribal Police Officer
Introducing K-9 Ragnar, the newest officer of the Lac Vieux Desert Tribal Police Department.
Ragnar and his handler, Officer Callison, graduated from Mid-Michigan Police K-9 School on April 6th.
They completed a 200-hour training course and are trained in narcotics detection, tracking, article searches and handler protection.
Project Lifesaver for Individuals with Cognitive Conditions Now Available
Project Lifesaver relies on proven radio technology and specially trained search and rescue personnel. Citizens enrolled in Project Lifesaver wear a small transmitter on the wrist or ankle that emits an individualized frequency signal. If an enrolled client goes missing, the caregiver notifies their local Project Lifesaver agency, and a trained emergency team responds to the wanderer’s area. The first responders will then use the client’s individualized frequency to locate the position of the individual. First responders are also put through community policing courses to learn how to best approach the client once found and allow them to be brought back to safety.
More Information from Gogebic County
Have You Ordered Your New Fire Number Sign?
With so many houses tucked away in the woods and around the many lakes, first responders rely heavily on your fire number to find your home in an emergency. Without a legible or visible sign, precious minutes could be lost.
If you have not already done so, please order a new fire number sign. It should be at the end of your driveway, where it can be seen from either travel direction on the road, in a position where is does not get covered by snow in the winter.
If you have any questions, please call 906.358.4501
Law Enforcement Bulletin: DEA Phone Scam
ALERT: Residents are receiving phone calls claiming to be from the DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) or other government agency that attempt to get your personal information by saying there is a problem with your Social Security number or that it was stolen. Caller ID may look legitimate but it is not. If you receive such a call, do not give out your name, birthdate, social security or any other personal information. Hang up and call local law enforcement at (906) 358-2048 so that the call can be tracked and reported.