Highline Contractors’ Fiber Optic Installation Update
This summer Highline began building high-speed fiber internet in Watersmeet. Due to a short construction season, Highline’s contractor has been working swiftly to build this state-of-the-art network to formerly unserved and underserved areas.
The construction had to pause a few weeks ago to address some permitting issues. Highline promptly worked with the Gogebic County Road Commission and hired a new crew to address proper permitting practices. Construction will resume as early as this week. Highline believes this pause in construction will not impact their goal to complete this project in 2023.
Once construction resumes Highline will begin contacting future customers for updates on burying the fiber to your home. Highline’s goal is to complete this part of the installation as soon as possible. Once the cabinet serving Watersmeet is active, the second step will be scheduling the in-home installation.
We appreciate your support and will provide another update in September. Please contact Bruce Moore President and GM of Highline Midwest if you have any questions. bruce.moore@highlinefast.com or 989-529-5152.
If you have any other questions for the Watersmeet Township, please contact Yvonne Clark at trustee1@watersmeet.us or 906-477-3029.